- A strong desire to become a nonsmoker is first.
- High motivation; for example health concerns or not exposing family to second hand smoke.
- Talking with people who have been successful.
- Get your doctors opinion and take whatever medical help they offer.
- Set a Quit date.
- Tell friends and family about your quit smoking plan.
- Establish a support system for when things get tough.
- Make a plan-a list of when you smoke and how you can change your actions or environment.
- Purchase a nicotine replacement product.
One very important thing to remember is that you have only failed when you stop trying. As I said earlier, you should expect setbacks along the way. Everyone has heard the stories about the guy who threw his pack of cigarettes out the window and never smoked again. Wouldn't that be nice? Unfortunately, that doesn't happen for most of us. Don't beat yourself up! If you aren't successful the first time, figure out why you weren't and make a plan to do things differently. Then get back on the horse, don't give up and you won't fail. This may take several attempts, remember smoking is an addiction and there are some pretty powerful and addictive chemicals that you are trying to quit.Pat yourself on the back! You have just made a life changing decision. I wish you God speed and let me be the first to congratulate you!
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